Mission Statement
To serve JCCC students, faculty, staff and Johnson County residents by providing access to a variety of services and resources that support and strengthen the instructional programs of the college and the higher educational needs of the community.
- Acquire, inventory, store, and make available an organized collection of materials and information in print, non-print, and electronic formats.
- Provide the facilities and environment necessary for individual study and/or research.
- Provide reference and other professional services designed to develop self-reliant and critical users of information resources.
- Provide library and other bibliographic instruction in locating, accessing, and evaluating information resources in a variety of formats or locations.
- Provide interlibrary loan services that expand the resources and instructional capabilities of the local collection.
- Provide bibliographic search and retrieval services for JCCC students, faculty, and staff.
Borrowing materials requires a library card. Please bring your card to the library each time you visit.
Who may obtain a library card?
- Currently enrolled credit students will use their JCCC student ID as their library card. Currently enrolled workforce development and continuing education students should present a photo ID, such as a driver’s license, to obtain a library card.
- Current or retired JCCC faculty and staff should present a photo ID, such as a driver’s license, to obtain a library card.
- Johnson County, KS residents, age 16 and over, should present proof of local address and a photo ID, such as a driver’s license to obtain a JCCC library card. Johnson County, KS residents may have an Olathe or JCL card added to our computer system if it’s more convenient.
- Business owners in Johnson County with proof of business address and a photo ID, such as a driver’s license.
- Courtesy Cards from participating academic institutions are honored.
Where are books located?
- Circulating books are all located on the 2nd floor of the library.
- Reference books are located on the 2nd floor of the library.
- Reserve materials including text books are available from the Lending Services Desk on the 2nd floor of the library.
- All books are arranged by Library of Congress classification
What are Course Reserves?
- Located at the Lending Services Desk on the 2nd floor of the library, Course Reserves are items set aside for a specific class by an instructor.
- Instructors wishing to place an item on Reserve should contact the Lending Services Desk at (913) 469-4484 or email at lendingservices@jccc.edu .
Where are the audio-visual materials?
- Music CD’s and DVD’s are located on the 2nd floor of the library.
- All other audio-visual materials must be requested at the Lending Services Desk located on the 2nd floor. Some materials may only be used in the library.
Where are Magazines and Newspapers?
- Magazines and newspapers are located on the 1st floor of the library in Stacks Cafe.
Fines and Fees and Limits:
- 30 item limit on checkouts.
- 28 day checkout for circulating materials. Checkout varies for reserve materials.
- 1 renewal circulating materials. No renewals for reserve materials.
- 24 hour re-loan wait period on circulating materials.
- 5 item limit on requests for materials.
- No overdue fines are charged on circulating books, DVDs, or audio CDs.
- Overdue Notices are sent at 4 days and 14 days. Final bill sent at 30 days.
- Most overdue notices are sent via e-mail.
- There is a non-refundable $10.00 notification fee applied to Johnson County Residents accounts when materials are not returned prior to billing.
- Patrons are blocked from checking out materials when any fees are accumulated.
- Fee for lost item is a $50.00 non-refundable processing fee.
- Students with outstanding materials or fees will incur a hold on their college student record
- Reserve materials incur a fine of $1.00 per hour, if late. Maximum overdue fine is $25.00
Where are the book returns?
- On the 2nd floor at the Library Service Desk
- Outside book drops are on LIB building’s west side near the courtyard and east side near the FADS building
Collection Policies
- Our computers have access to the internet and Microsoft Office programs. Files are erased after logoff from the computers. Please save material to a USB flash drive, the cloud, or email files to yourself.
- One ADA-compliant computer terminal is available on the 2nd floor. Specialty software available on this machine includes:
- Read & Write Gold
- Jaws 14
- Open Book 9.0
- Zoomtext 10
- There are other computer labs available on campus. A student ID is required for entry into the other labs on campus.
Conduct in the Library
Campus members and members of the public are expected to observe JCCC’s Code of Conduct when using Billington Library.
Library Faculty & Staff
Barry Bailey, Faculty Chair
- Professor/Digital Projects Librarian
- Contact for digital projects, LibApps support, or general concerns
- 913.469.8500×4841
- bbaile14@jccc.edu
Mark Daganaar
- Library Director
- Contact for electronic resource purchasing and licensing inquiries
- 913.469.3882
- mdaganaar@jccc.edu
Michael Frisbie
- Manager, Library Services
- Contact for electronic resources and public service support
- 913.489.8500×3473
- mfrisbie@jccc.edu
Heather McCann
- Reference/Interlibrary Loan Librarian
- Liaison for interlibrary loan
- 913.469.8500×3684
- hmccann2@jccc.edu
John Russell
- Professor/Archives Librarian
- Contact for archives requests, archives access, or interest in the library’s Business materials collection
- Liaison to Business Division
- 913.469.8500×3284
- jrussell@jccc.edu
Kristen Ramsdale
- Interim Copyright Librarian
- Contact for copyright questions and collection development questions in English & Communication
- 913.469.8500×4648
- kramsdal@jccc.edu
Mark Swails
On Sabbatical Spring 2025
- Professor/Copyright Librarian
- Contact for questions about copyright
- 913.469.8500×3773
- mswails@jccc.edu
- Email copyright@jccc.edu for copyright support
Laura Theel
- Librarian
- Contact for archives Assistance
- 913.469.8500 ext. 4369
- ltheel@jccc.edu
Danielle Theiss
- Assistant Professor/ Collection Development Librarian
- 913.469.8500×4151
- ltheiss3@jccc.edu
Andrea Thimesch
- Assistant Professor/Programming, Outreach, & Marketing Librarian
- Contact for partnerships, outreach, or event requests/participation
- 913.469.8500×3600
- athimesc@jccc.edu
Jessica Tipton
- Professor/Instruction Librarian
- Contact for research workshop scheduling, assignment ideas and review, online tutorials, and College Now visits.
- 913.469.8500×3286
- jtipton4@jccc.edu
Library Spaces
The 2nd floor of Billington Library serves as the main resource and service point for students, faculty, staff, and the community. In this space, you can find all of our print materials plus the following study spaces and computers:
- 160 seats for individual and group study; 2 study rooms with large monitors.
- 57 Windows Desktops (2 with scanners), 3 Mac Desktops, and 1 ADA compliant Windows Desktop.
- 8 Windows Laptops for in-library use.
CAV Central is an extended Academic Support/Library service area in the COM lower level (formerly Dining Down Under). The space is available from 6am to 11pm Monday through Friday, Saturday 7am-6pm, and Sunday noon-6pm for students to work, and currently staffed MWF from 8am-5pm and TTH from 8am-2pm. Students may use the space to study individually and in groups. Students may also attend their virtual classes in the CAV Central space. Six networked computers and a printer for student use are available plus WiFi.